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Talent Attraction/Retention

With nearly 500,000 open positions in manufacturing here in the US, the need for cohesive talent attraction and retention strategies has never been more important. From the way you post open positions to how you conduct exit interviews, you have an opportunity to effectively cultivate and promote an Employer Brand that attracts and retains employees.

Employee Turnover

Realizing that we are in a competitive labor market, our team knows and understands our employee turnover rate.   We use this metric as a leading KPI that informs our attraction and retention strategies.

Employee Referral

Employees regularly tell their friends and families that this is a great place to work and we have a structured and successful referral plan that proves it.  

Potential Candidates

We take great care in managing the job candidate experience and have a structured and transparent process that tracks candidates from application submittal through selection and onboarding.

Onboarding Process

Realizing that the first 90 days of employment are the most tenuous for the employer/employee relationship, our company has a structured onboarding program with specific milestones to guide new employees through this process.

Organizational Structure

It goes without saying, but building a strong corporate culture is the core of any company’s success. However, creating and maintaining one that recognizes shared values, standards, beliefs, and goals takes a lot of work. It doesn’t happen by simply posting the c-suite’s version of a vision statement or core value mandates in the breakroom. If you want to establish a culture that everyone truly believes in and identifies with, then everyone should be taking part in helping to define it.

Core Values

Our company's core values are clearly articulated throughout the facility. The core values are also part of a structured performance evaluation program and are a key metric in measuring employee engagement and individual performance.

Employee Surveys

Culture surveys and employee feedback are a regular part of our company/employee dialogue.  In addition to annual surveys, we get feedback through regular "pulse” surveys throughout the year

Management Buy-in

Management understands that our greatest asset (our people) leaves the building after each shift.  Management also understands that their greatest responsibility is to give those employees a reason for showing up for the next day's work

Lead By Example

At our company, management leads by example.  Executive teams, middle management and frontline leaders set the standard for all employees to follow.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Today, many manufacturers still struggle to fill critical jobs. As such, the simple demographic arithmetic demands that companies continue to find ways to broaden the talent pipeline and foster inclusive cultures as part of a robust talent strategy.

DE&I Mission

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DE&I) is an important part of our company ethos, and it is clearly articulated in our company's mission, vision and values.

Welcoming Environment

Our company and its employees provide a safe and welcoming environment to all individuals, including those with differing races, religions, or sexual orientations.

DE&I Strategy

Our company has a comprehensive DE&I strategy in place with key staff members managing its progress. The plan has meaningful metrics related to our DE&I performance and we regularly measure our progress.

Employee Training

Our company provides regular training to new hires and incumbent employees regarding cultural awareness and diversity.

Employee Development

Employee development does not refer solely to optimizing an individual’s skill set for a particular role. Rather, it refers to continued learning that nurtures professionals and helps them progress on their individual career path. Prioritizing employee development ensures that team members’ skills continue to evolve in accordance with industry trends and best practices.

Employee Advancement

Every role in our organization is clearly defined and each individual has a clearly defined path for advancement if they so choose.

Continuous Training

We pride ourselves as a learning institution and provide every employee with access to continued training to support their advancement.

Leadership Development

We have a structured and highly effective leadership development and training program that supports frontline leaders, middle and executive management

Succession Planning

We have a structured Succession Plan for key roles in our company and have identified high potential employees to advance to these key positions.

Performance Management

An effective Performance Management program ensures that a set of activities and outputs are directly tied to organizational strategy. In other words, strategy may start at the top, but in order for those metrics to be achievable, they must cascade down throughout your organization from the c-suite to the departments and from the departments to the individuals. If done effectively, each team member understands their role and how the work they do each day moves the company forward.

Individual Contributors

Each individual contributor knows how their daily work drives both departmental and organizational metrics.

Performance Metrics

Our employees take an active part in developing their annual performance metrics and have input into daily, weekly, and monthly metrics.

Performance Reviews

Performance reviews are delivered at a minimum of four (4) times a year through a documented process that focuses on indvidual performance while addressing the employee's needs.

Coaching Culture

We strive to develop a culture of coaching at our company where team members feel free to give and receive feedback and are comfortable with stretching themselves to achieve more.